
I’m so sorry I did not meet you all three years ago… my son would have been here. At six years old he had fought a good fight and I am happy I did everything I could for him. He was diagnose with brain tumor three years ago, did all his treatment but the cancer came back. I changed his diet and I decided I was not going to let him take anymore steroid because it weakened his bones. Someone told me about you. I started late with your treatment but I am happy I did; the progress he made in such short space of time was remarkable, even the doctor was impressed. I got permission to bring the special tea and his food in ICU because I did not want him eating certain thing. I gave all organic food. He made such great change in a few days, the doctor and others asked me what I was giving him. I gave him Dr. Johnson’s number and they talked. He told me he is thinking of incorporating the natural medicine in his practice. He was impressed.

I am so happy that I found you people. You are God sent. My husband is doing so much better; I used to have to drag him up in the bed now he’s able to help himself. The children are so pleased to see him, he so much more pleasant now, especially when he comes home from dialysis. Better yet, he is now able to urinate since he started taking the Special Tea from Dr. Johnson; he has not done so for a very long time. Since he is taking the GAP pills he doesn’t complain for the poor circulation in his legs. Again, God bless you all.

Since I started taking the GAP pills the swelling in my feet went down, I no longer have the cramp in my legs, my circulation is so much better. When I went to the doctor he said my blood pressure is doing much better he took me off one of my blood pressure pill. Thanks to you!

I told them at the hospital that whenever any baby comes there with the condition my son had to give the parents my phone number so I can talk to them about this natural remedy. If more people know about these products we would not suffer as much. I am using the Body Healer myself; it gives me a lot of energy and helps me stay regular. The children love it; I give it to all of them. Thanks a million for your kindness, your care, your encouragement and your treatment. May God continue to bless you guys so you continue to help his people. Changing our lifestyle is the key to good health. I started late, but it’s never too late. We sure need you! Be blessed!

My husband continues to do well. Sometime the funds are tight but I sacrifice to make sure he gets his special tea. When I can afford it I take the Big C for my breast. Since I started taking it I don’t feel the pain anymore. I don’t go without my GAP pills. You know something? That LBS II really keeps him regular. God bless you all!

I am very happy I heard you on the radio… My health has not been the same since I started taking the Daily-Three formulas. When I go to Dialysis the nurse is always so pleased to see my blood pressure. I don’t tell her what I am doing, I just smile to myself. The most important thing, when I come from dialysis I am not as tired like I used to be. My husband is amazed. He said my complexion looks better. You know something? I am urinating more! Please tell Dr. Johnson to keep up the good work. I am telling my friends about the GAP pills and the Body Healer, I love the body healer because it gives me so much energy; I am not tired when I come home from dialysis. Some of my friends said they can’t believe I am the same person, I told them to try the product and they will see for themselves. Thank you so much.

I had breast Ca in 2004. I went through my radiation and chemotherapy treatments, at the end I continued with the chemo pills for two years. I felt good within myself thinking everything was fine and the Cancer was gone. To my surprise it flared up again three years later with a vengeance — showing up other parts of my body. I was given the chemo and radiation treatments again. Although I was taking the treatments I was still not feeling well; I know something was not right in my body but I could not tell what. Fortunately for me one day I sat down watching television and saw this lady talking about cleansing, regulating and rejuvenating the body can help the body to heal itself naturally, given the right supplements. I immediately picked up the telephone and called. After speaking with her I found myself to the store that evening, that’s how convincing I was. I could not wait for the products to be shipped to me since I was far away! She was patient and compassionate. She took time to explain everything to me; the information I received, I left out of that place with a whole new look on life. I started doing what I was instructed to do, today all I can say, “Thank You Father for allowing me to see that lady that day, My life has not been the same since; today I have hope, I have peace of mind and most importantly no Pain! I am still on my cleansing program with the Special Tea from Dr. Johnson, my Daily Three, my Mega C and B-Complex. I take my Wheat grass every day. I feel great! I even grow my own Wheat Grass and I just keep thanking God I was able to make that call to Aloe Herbs for Life, if I didn’t I know I would be in bad shape today; the cancer came back spreading. I told the doctor I was not going to do no more radiation. I am still under my doctor’s care. They test me and keep monitoring me; my lymph nodes, lungs and breast are free. People need to know about these things, if I did three years ago I would be a better person today. Again, I just keep thanking God. All I can say is thanks to you all please continued to help us to live healthier. God bless you all.

Ms G, it was a blessing from the Lord the day I heard you all on the Radio. My life has been transformed. I am sorry I did not meet you before I would have had my legs, but to God be the glory I still give thanks because I did not have to go on dialysis machine as I was told. Since I started taking the Special Tea, along with the Daily Three I am a new person. First my doctor did not believe in what I was doing but when she saw my result and how well I am doing she had to give in. I took my Daily Three and showed it to her, she told me; if it works continue to take it. Now my kidneys are fine, blood pressure and blood sugar are good I will not go without my GAP pills. I have so much more energy now, my friends are surprised. Keep up the good work, the Lord has you all here for a purpose.